Signer Beware: What to Think About Before Setting Up Joint Bank Accounts
Opening a joint bank account with a spouse, partner, parent, or child is a…
Happiness in Helping: Cultivating Cheer Amid Year-End Chaos
"Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others." — Booker T.…
How to Take the First Steps Towards Divorce
Even though it must feel like it took a million steps to get to the end of your…
Counting More Than Wins: Brousseau Naftis & Massingill’s Impactful Year of Giving Back
“Everyone can be great, because everyone can serve.” —Martin Luther King, Jr.…
What Do I Really Have to Tell My Ex?
After the divorce is final, we often field calls from clients with various…
Divorce Defamation Also Applies to Non-Celebrities
Many of us have been glued to our television sets watching the defamation trial…