“Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.”
— Booker T. Washington
As the year winds down and we get caught up in the whirlwind of our clients’ year-end needs and emergency issues, it always benefits our team at Brousseau Naftis Erick & Massingill to ground the frenzied days within the context of the rest of the year before it: What did we do? Who did we help? How did we make a difference?
Our founder, Maryann Sarris Brousseau, made December look so easy. Despite her mile-long to-do list; the endless tasks she had to complete for her family, friends and clients; the busiest social and professional calendar around; the gifts to purchase; the client calls she had to make; the questions she had to answer; and the counsel she had to give, she glided through the month as though powered by magic. Every day, she would make sure that everyone in her orbit had everything they needed, wanted, and dreamed of for the holiday season. This included, of course, the charities with which she was associated and the community members she helped through her gifts of time, money, and service. She gave and gave, in big and small ways, each and every day.
We now understand what fueled the busiest person we knew throughout the busiest time of year: happiness. Maryann truly and deeply was one of the happiest individuals because she did the most for others. And now, years later, it is this insight that we focus on to keep us going.
Over the past year, our firm continued to sponsor Goodwill Dallas, Austin Street Center, Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, Dallas Academy, Cara Mia Theatre Company, Genesis Women’s Shelter, and Cristo Rey Dallas College Prep. We continue to serve as board members in the community, and we gave our time doing pro bono legal work, sorting clothes and food at donation centers and food banks, and wrapping donated gifts for children in need.
Taking inventory of not only the goals we achieved for our clients and colleagues, but also the ways in which we gave back to our community are the keys to finding happiness in the end-of the-year-crunch. It is within the answers to those questions that we find peace, satisfaction, and a full heart. This truism articulated by Booker T. Washington and exemplified by our own Maryann, is accessible to all of us. We all have something to give, and we all have happiness to find.

Elayna Naftis Erick
As a family lawyer and civil litigator, Elayna Erick takes personally her mission to support families and small business owners. Elayna is a staunch advocate for her clients during difficult times, and she considers herself a voice for those working to protect what they’ve worked hard to build. Contact Elayna at elayna@bnemdallas.com.